How to Tackle Large Interior Painting Projects

Are you looking to provide your home with a slight facelift with the help of a fresh coat of paint? Not only is this an excellent way to add a unique personality to any room, but such projects generally represent cost-effective options when compared to alternatives such as purchasing new furniture or replacing a handful of existing windows. However, painting very large areas or rooms with high ceilings can be challenging if you do not have a great deal of previous experience. Let us take a look at a handful of expert tips so that any project can be completed in a timely fashion.

Determine the Equipment that is Required

When painting a room, the final results will primarily depend upon which tools are used. Be sure to choose high-quality rollers and brushes, as they tend to hold more paint and allow you to cover a greater surface area. Dealing with larger rooms will often require the use of a telescopic extension pole; particularly when tackling high ceilings. It could also be wise to employ industrial-grade paint sprayers if you are dealing with multiple rooms, as projects can be completed much quicker. Be sure to choose reputable providers such as Paintsprayer due to the fact that numerous variants are available.

Always Start with the Ceiling

As a rule of thumb, it is always best to paint the ceiling first before tackling the walls. There are two reasons for this observation. As the majority of ceilings are coated in flat white, this tone will help to provide a greater amount of light within the room. It is therefore much easier to notice any imperfections along the way. Secondly, it is always better to “cut” a wall into the ceiling line as opposed to trying to paint a straight line while holding the brush overhead. If you are still concerned about accuracy, it is always possible to tape around the periphery of the ceiling so that accidents can be avoided when tackling the walls.

Safety First!

Painting large areas should always emphasise safety. Using standard a-frame assemblies and extension ladders must involve a knowledge of their limitations as well as your own personal sense of comfort. Never attempt to reach beyond your centre of gravity, as this could result in a fall. Make certain that the extension ladder is placed at the proper angle. It might otherwise “kick out” from underneath during use. It is also prudent to use the “two-man” rule, as another individual can hold the ladder to ensure that it remains steady when working at heights. Above all, be patient and take your time. Rushing a project will inevitably lead to errors.

Whether dealing with a large foyer or a living room with vaulted ceilings, a bit of preparation will go a long way. Using modern equipment and keeping safety in mind can likewise guarantee that no accidents occur. You will be amazed at how a few coats of paint can transform any environment.