Playroom Storage Ideas

If you’ve got kids, you need these 100 playroom storage ideas. I’m a mom of three, a parent educator and professional organizer. I’m sharing tips, products and DIY ideas that really work when it comes to organizing a kids play area, whether that’s your living room or a designated playroom

child's room with toys on floor and with colorful map on wall

I have three children and moved into 13 different homes with them (thanks to the military). I know what it’s like to have absolutely no space for toys and the wonder of having an actual playroom. I’ve included tips and products that work for all situations and budgets.

How do you maximize space in a small playroom?

The goal of any playroom is for your child to have the space to actually, not to be a warehouse of all the toys you own. As you organize your playroom, keep reminding yourself that your goal is to make enough space for your child to play, be creative and imaginative. Keeping this in mind will help you organize small spaces in your home.

  • Start by decluttering by removing broken toys are ones that your child has outgrown. Only keep the toys that your child currently plays with and enjoys. This can be emotional for parents, but you’ll actually find that your child plays more in in the toy room when they’re not overwhelmed by too many choices.
    • A great way to reduce the amount of kids toys stored in the space and also increase the amount of floor space for play time is to box up a portion of the toys for one to three months and then rotate the packed away toys with the current toys. This keeps toys new and fresh while also giving you more space.
  • Determine what play areas you want first before you decide on the storage options.
young boy playing at table with shelf of toys behind
  • Floor space
  • Easel
  • Stage
  • Table
  • Puppet theater
  • Reading area
  • Fit your playroom organization around the play areas you established.
  • Use vertical space.
  • Hang items on the wall
    • Simple Command Hooks work well for costumes, and lightweight items that can be put in a bag or bin with a handle
  • Hang items from the ceiling
    • Works well for storage for stuffed animals, lightweight balls, a hanging rod for dress up clothes, and decorations
blue storage hammock for stuffed animals
3 large white hooks on wall holding purse and keys
3 rows of storage baskets with colorful interiors on wall
  • Use vertical adjustable shelves (so you can change the height of the shelves as your child grows) or wall shelves
  • Use vertical open cubbies
  • Use storage space behind chairs and couches or under tables, couches and beds
white cubical book case
metal storage shelf with 6 shelves
2 white wood wall shelves with toys and books
black wire cubbie storage shelf
white toy storage shelf with built in drawer
white wall ledges holding children's books
  • Use space on the back of doors
    • An over door shoe organizer is an inexpensive great option
  • Use space on the wall behind doors
    • Many of the over-the-door storage products can also be hung on the wall either with nails or command hooks
purple hanging storage with clear pockets filled with dolls
grey over-the-door storage baskets
grey and white over-the-door shoe pockets

Playroom Storage Ideas

The key to playroom organization is to make it work for your unique space and needs. We don’t all have designated space for playrooms, large play or storage areas or unlimited budgets. You can still create neat and tidy toy storage with or without a dedicated playroonm, no matter the size of your space or budget.

young girl placing toys on wall shelf

What makes playroom storage great?

  • Organization that allows your child to access the toys you want them to be able to
  • Storage that keeps items you want to control access to away from your child’s reach
  • Storage that makes it easy to keep maintain an organized playroom
  • Dedicated play space
  • Storage solutions that work for your budget, your space and your lifestyle
  • Storage space that encourages your child to put away toys
  • A kids’ playroom that encourage independent play and fosters independence
2 stuffed animals in a basket in a room corner

Some of the most common toy organization challenges and playroom storage ideas that are work are:

Small Toys

The key to organizing small toys is to have storage bins for each different category of toy. Open wicker baskets or fabric bins allow children to quickly find toys and easily put them away. Open bins are always preferable because it makes it easier for children to clean up and put toys away. However, sometimes it makes sense to have bins with lids so they can be stacked or to have bins with compartments to organize small pieces.

You can find great organizing and storage products for small toys below in the Matchbox cars section and also in these 62 Best Barbie Storage Ideas.

Craft Supplies

When it comes to organizing art and craft supplies, you first have to decide whether you want your child to be able to access the supplies on their own or whether you have control over when the supplies are used.

If you want to control the time and place that art supplies are used, be sure to store them on a high shelf or cabinet or in a closet that your child can’t reach. Place the supplies in a caddy with a handle or an open bin to make it easy to transport to a table for use. Clear storage bins with lids can be stacked are also a great idea. Labeling all bins with the contents makes it easy to quickly find what you need.

colorful pencils in green caddy on table

If you’d like to make supplies readily available to your child, keep them in bins on a shelf or in open cubbies. Labeling the bins with images and words makes it easy for even prereaders to put items away.

Board Games and Puzzles

There are several different options for storing board games and puzzles. You should choose what you prefer and what works best in your space.

Keeping games and puzzle pieces in the original boxes. Since the boxes are often flimsy, placing small pieces in zippered bags are the best way to keep track of all the pieces. You can use either zippered food bags or pencils pouches or makeup bags.

Many professional organizers recommend placing all games and puzzles in individual zippered pouches with labels. This allows you to store the game pouches vertically and the pouches hold up well to energetic children. These pouches are popular recommendations

row of zippered pouches with colorful zippers
row of zippered pouches with black zippers
row of zippered pouches with zippers in bright colors

Other professional organizers recommend placing game and puzzles pieces in clear storage bins. Labeling the bin means that multiple bins won’t be opened (and tossed around) while searching for one specific game or puzzle.

2 stacks of clear organizing bins
two stacks of empty clear bins with black handles
2 stacks of clear bins with toys

Lego Bricks

The to organizing LEGOs is to make them easy to access and even easier to put away.

Clear bins (with lids if you need to stack them) or open bins stored on a shelf or open cubby are the best way to store them.

There are also brilliant storage bins with a play mat built in. That makes plan and clean up so easy.

2 clear boxes with lids and one filled with green blocks
Lego storage basket with attached play mat
black duffle with 3 lego storage bags

You may find that you need compartmentalized storage bins for organizing small parts. There are mesh bags designed for organizing building blocks that come in bright colors to help you identify different play sets or sizes of blocks. And if you have space in the kids’ playroom, a table with built-in storage drawers may be best approach for you.

compartmentalized storage bin with handle and filled with small blocks
3 rows of mesh Lego storage bags with different brightly colored drawstrings
red, black and green LEGO storage and play table

Whether you choose to keep sets together or to store blocks together by color or size is entirely up to your personal preference. I found with my son that he could only keep the sets separate when he was much older. As much as we tried, we ended up storing the pieces together by color or size. So consider the age and personality of your child when choosing your LEGO block storage system.

I always loved those LEGO storage heads but didn’t have it in my budget, so I came up with a DIY version you can make for free by using a repurposed can. DIY Repurposed Can LEGO Head

DIY Repurposed Can Lego Head - Organized 31

I’ve also used repurposed plastic packaging to make storage bins for LEGOs.

clear container holding red LEGOs

Once your child is old enough to start building complicated sets, you’ll want to have a display area in plain sight so that your child can enjoy seeing the results of hard work.

Matchbox Cars

Car storage cases are a great idea for storing cars neatly and making them easily portable. The cases can be stacked on a shelf in the toy room, kept in a closet or even under the bed.

clear plastic storage bin with handle for toy cars
open soft side storage case for play cars
truck carrying case for toy cars

Storage bins designed to work as a toy box are another great option to store toys and toy cars. They can be kept on a shelf or in a cubby depending on the size of the bin and the shelves. They can also be kept on the floor of the living room, bedroom or to

light blue pin with attached car track for storage and play
blue storage box with lid and cars on side
grey toy box with lid open

You can use wall space to store Hot Wheel cars and also display them. The open compartments make it so easy to clean up and keep neat. They come in a range of price points.

wall art shelving unit to hold hot wheel cars and looks like big truck
wood wall shelf unit to hold miniature cars
white plastic wall storage shelf for small cars

Small Dolls and Action Figures

The storage options for small dolls or figurines are similar to those for cars and small items. Make sure that whichever storage product you choose, it’s easy to put items back into and access for your child.

clear lidded container filled with gree LEGOs
Spider Man shelf unit with open bins
2 lidded clear containers filled with colorful toys
blue bins with Captain America logo
stacks of clear drawer boxes
fabric bin with handles and batman images
wall shelf unit clear acrylic for displaying action figures
6 clear acrylic wall shelves
2 clear action figure storage cases

My son had lots of toys and action figures when he was young. We created many of our own DIY toy storage ides. Two of our favorites were designed specifically for action figure storage. This comic book storage can and this DIY comic book clementine crate are easy to make and cost just pennies.

comic page decorated can holding figures and next to comic books
red crate decorated with comic book images holding comic books

Larger Toys

Larger toys are best stored on stable shelves in a bookcase or on the floor. This makes it easy for your child to pull the toy out and play with it (and hopefully put it away later).

You can often store larger toys on the back of shelf behind a bin, behind a chair or couch and simply on the floor on the perimeter of the room.

You can also use coat hooks to hang larger toys on the wall space. This allows your child to use the floor space for play time.

Expert Tips for playroom storage ideas from this mom of 3, parent educator and professional organizer

  • Look for storage options that keep toys put away to allow space for play and to keep your living space and entire house neat.
  • Be purposeful in when you choose opaque bins to hide the visual clutter and when you choose clear bins to make it easier to find and put away toys where they belong.
  • Choose versatile furniture and storage items so that you can use them as your child grows up or use them in other areas of your home.
  • The Container Store is one of the best places to find organizing products. Check out the Deal Of The Day at The Container Store for 50% off. com. If you find that the prices are not in your budget, look at them for inspiration and find a less expensive option.
  • Look for ways to repurpose items you may already have to organize
    • A shoe rack can be a storage rack for toys, game board boxes and bins.
    • Use a bench seat to allow for both storage and a place to sit.
    • You can use an old coffee table as a play table in a playroom or use the coffee table in your living room with toy storage bins under it.
    • Use bookcases or shelves you already have to organize toys. You can also find great deals in thrift stores, yard sales and on Facebook marketplace.
    • Use wicker baskets or other storage bins you already own to organize.
    • You can repurpose and decorate a storage box like I did with this one for clothes storage.
  • Create play zones.
    • Place all the toys used together or of the same kind together in one area.
      • Keep all stuffed animals together
      • Keep all dress up items together
      • Keep all kitchen play items together
    • Place the zones near larger furniture that is used to play with the category of toys
      • Art and craft supplies near the table
      • Books near a chair or couch
  • Do a regular declutter together with your child.
    • Schedule several regular declutter sessions each year. I find that one in October or November, before Christmas, works well. Also, one in June after school is out. Schedule one declutter session a quarter if you find that you need to declutter more often.
    • Always declutter with your child. This helps them learn about letting items go. You can teach them the process and what to consider. It also gives children a feeling of control and input into owning and taking care of their toys.

Looking for more toy storage ideas?

Other child organization ideas you might have missed

You want to pin this for later so you can find these tips and ideas every time you move or want to change your playroom storage ideas and playroom design.

young girl placing toys on wall shelf
boy in blue shirt holding pencils at table in playroom
2 young girls playing with stuffed animal an doctor's kit

The post Playroom Storage Ideas appeared first on Organized 31.