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Day 17, Kitchen Quarantine, Apple Cider Doughnut Cake

Although spring is upon us here in San Diego, I really do love a cup of spiced hot cider any time of the year.  The other day while trolling the internet, I found a recipe for Apple Cider Doughnut Cake---who could resist?  The original recipe had you basically making apple sauce, so I tweaked it a bit, and then I made a glaze for it, since the best donuts have a glaze, and voila!  I'm continuing my adventures in sourdough, and just pulled two lovely loaves out of the oven.  I'm sold, and so is Dr. C.  More on that in another blog post.  For now, enjoy this cake.  Apple Cider Doughnut Cake Makes one 9-inch bundt 1/2 cup unsalted...

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