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Kelly chose our bread this month at the Bread Baking Babes this month

As she put it, “Something soft and easy for March”. She chose a Potato, Thyme and Goat Cheese Pavé from World Breads from Pain de Campagne to Paratha. For reasons I will share, I chose to adapt that recipe to make a Potato & Paneer Pavé. Pavé is French for cobblestone. Pain Pavé are smaller, somewhat flat French bread that are slightly rounded on top. They’re generally shaped as squares/ rectangles, scored sometimes in a criss-cross manner and supposedly resemble cobblestones. Sometimes, Pavé also describes a slightly taller irregularly shaped bread. The bread is pretty straight forward. Proof the yeast (unless using instant yeast), and mix all the ingredients into a soft, smooth dough. Then let it rise till double, shape...

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