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Sweet Potato Sonker Recipe | #SpringSweetsWeek

Welcome to my third and final recipe for this year’s #springsweetsweek, my friends. Today, I’m sharing how to make a sweet potato sonker recipe. That’s right, I’m making dessert out of vegetables featuring sugar from sponsor Dixie Crystals. I love sonker, a dessert native to Surrey County, NC which is more or less synonymous with cobbler, but I’ve not made a sweet potato one yet. This version is probably the most specialized sonker recipe. While you’ll see peach cobblers, strawberry cobblers, and blackberry cobblers outside of Surry County, NC, you most likely will only find a cobbler made of sweet potatoes in Surry County. This post is sponsored in conjunction with #SpringSweetsWeek. I received product samples from sponsor companies to...

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