You know the nursery rhyme, "Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns!", but do you know why we eat these golden brown buns specifically on Good Friday? It all has to do with the end of Lent and the symbols represented in the bun itself. But before we look into that, we need to figure out where Hot Cross Buns originally came from The Origin of Hot Cross Buns View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Perfect Loaf (@maurizio) According to Smithsonian Magazine, the origins of the hot cross bun begin with a 12th-century monk who added a cross to baked buns in honor of the upcoming Easter holiday....
Homemade Bananas Foster Cheesecake If you’re a banana lover, my goodness, you’re in for such a treat. This Bananas Foster Cheesecake is made rich with banana flavor, the creamiest classic cheesecake filling, all piled high atop my favorite graham cracker crust. The amazing Bananas Foster sauce on top is what seals the deal and makes this cheesecake so insanely delicious. Banana cakes are obviously fantastic desserts for any time of year. My Banana Layer Cake is always a hit and one of the first to go! Every party I have brought this banana cheesecake to this year has disappeared just as quickly. It’s simply irresistible! Go grab those bananas sitting on the counter and treat yourself to this delicious banana cheesecake! I...
This tender cake has a layer of fresh raspberries running through the center and is draped with a Lemon Cream Cheese Icing. When it comes to cake in my house, 9 out of 10 times, chocolate wins. But, this sweet Lemon Raspberry Bundt Cake has caused quite a stir with my chocolate lovers. The texture is incredible, the fresh lemon and raspberry combo is just lovely, and the Lemon Cream Cheese Icing adds a tart, sweet, richness that is simply divine. If you want to bake something special for Mom this weekend, I’m quite certain this would be an excellent choice. Mom, if you’re reading this, you might just want to bake it for yourself! That’s my plan. And, Happy...
Colorful Easter brunch recipes to brighten your holiday! Brighten up Easter morning with some of the most colorful items in the produce department: Bright Lights® swisss chard and Lollipops® kale sprouts from Salad Savoy Corp. Salad Savoy is the home of color, taste, and nutrition® so you can bet these two Easter brunch recipes are colorful, tasty, and nutritious! What are Bright Lights®? Salad Savoy Corp.’s answer to the growing popularity of leafy green veggies, specifically swiss chard. Bright Lights® have deep green oversized leaves with colorful stems and veins in an array of vibrant colors including pink, gold, orange, red, and white. They can be steamed, sautéed, or used raw in salads and are a great source of vitamin...
While it may sit there relatively unused and unloved for most of the year, come Christmas, things really start to heat up for your mantel. Not only does it become the production site of much of your winter warmth, it’s also one of the major focal points of a successful Christmas display. Whether you choose to hang a wreath above it, wrap the whole thing in garland or simply display all of your favorite Christmas ornaments along the shelf, Christmas is your mantel’s time to shine. Another major job which is usually handed to your mantel (if you have one in your home) is hanging your Christmas stockings. This spot, prearranged with Old Saint Nick, is the place where your...