A fun twist on meatballs and an unforgettable meal! There was zero conversation and lots of “mmm-yummy” noises happening when I served these Tex-Mex Meatball bowls for dinner. I saw the meatball recipe on Southern Living, tweaked it a bit, and friends, they are crazy-good! I hope I can convince you to give these a try. Whoever you feed will be eternally grateful. Don’t be scared away by the beautiful, complex look of this dish. The meatballs are quite easy to prepare and the sauce is created in nothing flat. I served the saucy meatballs over rice with roasted sweet potatoes and corn and a dollop of sour cream. The sweetness from the roasted veggies combines beautifully with the flavors...
Ok guys. My last Peach Cobbler recipe of the season. (Last but not least). Cast Iron Peach Cobbler is wonderful. Instead of using cinnamon, this delightful cobbler uses almond extract and roasted, salted pecans for flavor and texture. The outcome was terrific. It was certainly one of those desserts I could have drooled over for quite some time. This recipe uses nine ingredients–so it’s not overly difficult. If your mom or Grandma gave you a cast iron skillet in the past, here’s the time to yank it out! I personally love cooking with cast iron. It takes a bit of care, but once you learn how to cook with it, the skillets are wonderful. (I use enameled cast iron daily)....
We have been getting so much enthusiastic feedback from our readers about our Marjorie Druker feature on how to make perfect roast chicken that we’ve decided to bring it to you here in a step-by-step format. This roast chicken recipe is quite simple, but employs some very clever techniques that ensure moist meat and crisp, beautifully browned skin. How to Make the Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe in Photos Marjorie comes by her chicken wisdom honestly. She’s the owner of Modern Rotisserie in Newton, Massachusetts, as well as the New England Soup Factory, and she got her start developing recipes for Boston Chicken, which later became Boston Market. So follow along as we demonstrate her time-honored method. How to Make the Perfect Roast Chicken Recipe...